Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lamenting Flora And Fauna

It is the year 4032 and the human population is larger than it has ever been. The minds of humans have become twisted and their ego has no barrier. Barren lands flooded with garbage, hardly any clean air or water and the only feeling you feel is suffocation. It is time. It is time for them to give the humans what they deserve. Who are they you ask? From the largest to the smallest creatures present on Earth.    

Humans are now responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and plant species. They take up more space on Earth for their homes and cities. They pollute habitats. They illegally hunt and kill animals. They bring exotic species into habitats. All of these activities take resources and habitats away from plants and animals.

Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. Because human populations are growing so fast that animals and plants are disappearing 1000 times faster than they have in the past 65 million years.
Animals and plants have always had a hard time surviving. Scientists estimate that over two thirds of the animals and plants that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

Animals became extinct in the past for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases competition for resources among animals led to extinction in other cases environmental changes caused extinction.

A tree Can Mean A Life

It is not possible to sum up the importance of forests in a few words. Forests are of great importance for the whole human fraternity as well as managing the natural balance in the environment. They help preserve biodiversity by providing habitat to many diverse species of wildlife. The Amazon rain forest, for example, is home to nearly 1,300 species of birds, over 400 each of mammals and amphibians, over 300 reptiles and millions of insects.
Soil that might otherwise be lost to wind and water is held in place by the deep roots of trees. By slowing water runoff, forests help the surrounding land absorb more water. As of 2005, global forest product trade was near $400 million, and 30 percent of forests worldwide saw exclusive use for the harvest of forest product, illustrating the economic importance of forests. In addition to timber, forest products include foods, rubber, resins and medicinal products.
Deforestation is the removal of trees on a vast level for fulfilling all the requirements of the growing population. The regular cutting of the forests is creating lots of negative effects over the climate, environment, biodiversity, whole atmosphere as well as threatening the cultural and physical survival of the human being. Scientists have reported recently that the world is heating up even faster than predicted only a few years ago, and that the consequences could be severe if we don't keep reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere.
Exploding human population requires more land to live and harvesting so they need to cut the forests. In this way deforestation is going on more rapidly to fulfill the human needs in many ways. However, the effects of deforestation are faster than the deforestation itself. It is affecting the human lives to a great extent by forcing the negative changes to the environment and atmosphere.
 Conservation of forest is a national problem so it must be tackled with perfect coordination between forest department and other departments. People's participation in the conservation of forests is of vital importance. So, we must get them involved in this national task. The cutting of trees in the forests must be stopped at all costs. Afforestation or special programmes like Van Mahotsav  should be launched on grand scale. Celebrations of all functions, festivals should precede with tree-plantation. Cutting of timber and other forest produce should be restricted. Grasslands should be regenerated. Forest conservation Act 1980 should be strictly implemented to check deforestation.
Hence, there is a need for serious thinking to improve this sector by inducting new technology, attracting more investment, developing non-conventional sources and inculcating habits for saving and conservation.

Tree-Earth's Glee

Conservation of trees is the protection, preservation and careful management of trees. Trees contribute a lot to humans and the environment around us.
  •    Trees trap dust and debris. Dust, smog, and other particles in the air collect on the leaves and tend to stick there. This creates generally cleaner air for people and animals to breath, which can be important for quality of life in both cities and dusty agricultural areas.

    •    Trees reduce erosion. This is because their roots physically keep soil from washing away, but also because tree roots absorb and store water. A tree canopy can reduce the force of rain hitting the ground from a deluge to a gentle sprinkle, further preventing erosion.
    •      Trees reduce ozone levels. This effect is not just global, but local. In large cities, a reduction in ozone can mean milder temperatures and more breathable air.

    To live in a better environment conservation of trees is very important. There are many ways to conserve trees they are as follows:
  • Ø Let your hands air dry after you wash them in a public bathroom. As tissue papers are made up of trees (pulp).
    Ø Volunteer for a day of tree planting in your town.
    Ø Configure your printers and copy machines to print on both sides of a page. There's no practical reason for printing documents on only one side of a page, and by printing on both sides, you can instantly cut your paper consumption in half.
    Ø  Buy paper that's made from recycled materials. From notebooks to printer paper, it's easy to conserve trees by choosing to purchase recycled paper products exclusively.
    Ø Cancel your subscriptions to daily newspapers. It's estimated that nearly 30 million trees are cleared each year solely for the purpose of printing newspapers. Read online versions of newspapers during the week
    Ø  Abandon the practice of using paper products to clean. Instead of using roll after roll of paper towels, consider switching to washable rags.


    Earth's Lungs-Forets

    House number -14/03

    G Block, Kasturi Nagar,

    31 October 2015

    The Editor
    The Times of India
    New Delhi
     Subject: Importance of conserving forests
    Respected Sir,
        I wish to bring to your kind notice my growing concern about the rapid increase in the number of trees being cut down in the name of development of industries and urbanization. It is extremely appalling that people are being very inconsiderate towards protecting the nature’s gift, forests.
       Almost 30% of the world is covered by forests. Moreover, forests are very vital in everyone’s lives. It is the habitat for millions of species of flora and fauna and destroying the forests is as equivalent of killing these species. Many including environmentalists are trying very hard to increase the awareness of protecting the forests but it is not fully effective. This is mainly because of the haphazard nature of humans.
       There are several ways to save our priceless forests before it is too late. Forests are our life lines. Without forests, I doubt we will ever be able to hear any bird sing or be able to rest under the shade of a tree. People’s participation in the conservation of the forests is of vital importance.
      Trees, around us, provide us with oxygen, medicine, and are the part of our food chain. I, as a member of this large, growing and advanced world, want each and every soul to take part in the conservation of the forest. We should keep in mind that we have to protect our mother nature for our next generation also. Our earth, our homeland is in trouble! Its biological wealth is threatened by drug farms, road, building, cattle ranching, forest fires and rapid population growth.
       We have not inherited this earth from our parents but have just borrowed it from our next generation. Our next generation will suffer if we don’t conserve our natural wealth for them. We should not be greedy and use everything by ourselves. We have to save our mother earth for our children so that they can also enjoy the benefit of this beautiful creation of GOD.
      Man has been cutting down forests indiscriminately and today the trend is not only to save natural forests but to create artificial ones. Deserts are made to bloom! As citizens of the earth and children of Mother Nature it’s our due responsibility to safeguard and fortify earth just like we love our very own mother.
      We all have a role to play in this movement. If each one of us grows just one healthy and suitable tree in his life time, the problem will be solved. It is a small task for each one of us but a giant task for the mankind. As mentioned earlier, it is important of all the members of the society in taking efforts to maintain and preserve our habitat and home.
      In a nutshell, there is a clear need for individuals to enhance their efforts by forming local environmental groups. That could help us reach a much-needed solution, providing that the government pulls its weight too. Ultimately, it is individuals who will benefit from a better environment, and it is only fair that they should play a greater role in our struggle for it.
      The time has come for us to take a sharp and steady action against these issues without further delay.  We have to fix the problems we make in life. Similarly, we humans need to find a solution to this dilemma to which we are a major cause. I would appreciate your support in this matter and hope you take my views into consideration.
    Yours faithfully,