Saturday, 31 October 2015

Make Sure Mother Earth Is Out Of Danger!

Every breath of air we have ever taken, every drop of water we have ever drunk, every square meal we have ever eaten and everything we have ever owned; we owe it all to nature.  To quote Gautama Buddha, “The tree is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and benevolence and makes no demand for its sustenance, and extends generously the products of its life. It offers protection to all beings, offering shade to even the axemen who destroy it”. We demand so much of nature, which in return asks nothing of us. Over the years, we have indiscriminately exploited nature for our sustenance and if we continue to recklessly do so, we aren’t going to last very long. This is where conservation and sustainable development come in.
Conservation and Sustainable development are two terms that go hand in hand. Conservation is the act of guarding or protecting something and Sustainable development is the idea that development in the present should not compromise with the needs of the future generation. Unless we practice conservation, the generations that succeed us will be forced to pay the price of degradation and anguish for the progress of our time. The resources we use are all limited and are not replenished so easily. Conservation of resources and sustainable development is an issue that is advocated on the global level today. There are many organisations that handle task of conserving the variety of nature and wildlife or Biodiversity. Conservation Biology is the branch of science which deals with the study of the Earth’s Biodiversity with aim of protecting it.
We say that conservation is to protect and manage nature, when it is really more of managing humans and their activities to prevent further damage and decay to the environment. Nature can take care of itself and can get along fine without our help, but people need nature. Take for example, bees. If all the bees on our planet suddenly vanished or turned extinct, the human race would lose out on more than a third of its food crops and vegetation would start to decline rapidly. Within a few years the human race may be entirely wiped out along with many species of animals and plants. However, if the same were to happen to humans, if our race were to disappear of the face of this planet, then life on earth will flourish. Nature will always find a way, but humans are in big trouble.
For the continuity of our race to prolong, it is essential we change our mindset and work towards our future without causing harm to our environment. In the end it is true to say that, “We haven’t inherited this world from our forefathers, rather we have borrowed it from our children’’.

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