Sunday, 8 November 2015

awareness for wellness

Raj Gardens,

2 November 2015

The Editor,
The Hindu,


Dear sir/madam,
   Contaminating the environment has become an increasing   trend in our society despite of consciousness. Our ecosystem is experiencing   vast vanish of species. This is becoming a big controversy that   humans are the creatures who are becoming the threat to our planet. Even as we experience the increase in  populace, the pressure on environment gets increased. Natural resources including water, food, air are getting contaminated recklessly.This can lead to the following puzzles

  • loss of wildlife habitat which brings extinction of species.
  • loss of forests which further increases the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and further warming the planet.
  • extreme exploitation of natural resources, prevents the natural resources from replenishing.
  • increased emission of carbon dioxide, mainly by fossil fuel contributes to the climate change
  • increased production of synthetic materials as a substitute for the natural ones leads to decomposition.

  As an inhabitant of cosmos it is our duty to protect it. Here are simple 7 ways to protect our sphere and our surroundings

1.     Make sure to use your clothes washer and dryer when you have a full load.
2.   Water your lawn during the evening, when it is cooler and dryer. Watering in the morning, when it is hot and dry, leads to water evaporation.
3.   Pick up some earth-bags at your local grocery store. Say no to both, “paper” and “plastic!”
4.  Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Sure, they may cost more money, but you will save on your energy bill in the future and they last longer.
5.   Shorten your shower by just a minute .
6.  Skip the dishwasher built-in dry option and simply air dry your dishes.
7.   Collect rainwater and save it to water your lawn.

Thus, I would like to conclude that the environment and the economy are really both two sides of the same coin. If we  cannot sustain the environment, we cannot sustain ourselves.
                               Thank you
Shartin ,


This article is about house sparrows who are on the verge of extinction. It primarily focuses on the threats to the survival of these cute small creatures
Sparrows are cheerful, peppy and sociable which were introduced in New York in 1851. The male house sparrows are brightly colored birds with gray heads, white cheek and fluffy appearance while the female ones are plain brown with their backs striped with black and brown.

They generally reside in nests made in houses, street lights and other man-made structures. But currently, their population is decreasing at alarming rates. They were declared extinct in 1987. What could be the possible reasons for this?

The prime cause for their disappearance is the loss of habitat. The modern architecture and introduction of high-rise buildings makes it difficult for these sparrows to build their nests. Cell towers are another cause which severe threat to their survival. They are not able to withstand the powerful signals coming from these towers which adversely affects their immune system and reproductive abilities. Further adding to this are the chemicals used in plantations. Since sparrows suffer from lack of food, they heavily depend on the crops produced in agricultural fields. But most of the times, these crops are sprayed with chemical fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides and other harmful toxic substances.

Realizing this, 20th March is celebrated as World Sparrow Day-a day to spare a thought for the lost. The aim of marking this day is to stress on the need to conserve the remaining population sparrows.

Some common ways to save sparrows are:-
1. Place bird feeders near the windows are outside houses.
2. Keep water bowls, especially during summer for birds to re-hydrate
3. Try to grow more plants.
4.Volunteer for campaigns to create more awareness on the need to save sparrows.
5. Discourage the use of chemicals in fields.


No.23,New Street
Anna Nagar

31st October 2015

The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Conservation- A matter of concern

Dear sir,

Well I have a question pondering at the back of my mind when I think about using the resources around us...Continous usage of the resources without any limit would it lead to extinction or destruction of resources? Yes, it would and it is definitely going to happen. I think in this urban society
people are least bothered about the 4Rs-Reuse,Reduce,Recycle and Refuse. In spite of many movements coming up, they seem to have immediate effect but doesn't exert pressure over the society over a long run. Resources are taken for granted but its time for us to change our perspective and perceive in a way that resources are the gifts by our ancestors and the gift that we have to give our future generations...We should futher develop a state in which Resources shall be used judiously and not hinder the ability of development in the future.

For the problems discussed above, 'Conservation' is the secret.Conservation is the act of preserving,safeguarding resources in the world.We may also come upon issues that petrol in the middle east countries are rapidly decreasing and '' water'' will be the main reason for world war 3 and deforestation being debated as a matter of concern.

Definitely the government will play a major role in conservation.Resource planning,Agenda 21 ,as discussed in a conference in Rio De Janeiro , are some schemes that would help in the conservation of  resources.Government is one of the largest institutions in a nation. But non-governmental organisation (NGOs) can also play a role in conservation.These governmental and non-governmental organisations will have to further come up with stratergies to motivate people to conserve the absolute gift by the god.

Although it is late, it is better to conserve than never and take an action to preserve. All human beings will have to join together and work towards a common goal.I would like you to address this issue in the newspaper and would like to thank you for your support.

Thank you



Water is the principal essence for survival. Without water, life processes would not occur, resulting in death. About 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. About 96.5% of the total volume of world’s water is estimated to exist as oceans and only a mere 2.5% exist as freshwater. Nearly 70% of this freshwater exists in the form of glaciers! This leaves us with a very little percentage of water. The ever-increasing population has put immense pressure upon the landmass. To feed such a massive population, agricultural activities have to be expanded, even to dry arid regions due to a lack of landmass. Agriculture requires large amounts of water; but there is a lack water resource hence the masses cannot be fed.

Water the most important fluid for our existence is now a global garbage dump. Take for example, India, a country with rich heritage and ancient civilization which originated from the river deltas of the Indus and the Ganges. These rivers which are still considered as a very holy pilgrimage spot is a polluted and brought down such a state that makes its very sight and smell unbearable. It was once said that a dip in the holy waters of the Ganges would assure a pass to heaven. Now a dip in this river would assure disease and probable death.
Every drop wasted, another soul denied
There goes another soul, which is not in par with mine
They scream, they beg, they wail
But we do not listen to them
For we do not feel the pain,
Which is felt by them….

Sunday, 1 November 2015



                 I lie there perched on a lone branch
                  Lone like me; In the grey month of March
                  No Birds chirping
                  No gay hearts singing

                   Blissful summer mornings gone forever
                   My alluring red petals will never
                   Blossom again
                   My world is nothing but a bargain

                   Tall buildings towering over me
                   But no one bothers to see
                   A sad lonely rose
                   A world of chaos

                   A two legged soul
                   creeps up to me; cold
                   air I feel
                   It plucks yet another petal peel
                   I am thrown into the dry barren ground
                   I see concrete all around
               and suddenly i feel afraid
                I do not feel safe.
                                                                                                               How can i?
                                                                                                         When the world is at stake

A Diary Entry Of Polar Bear

November 1,2015
Dear diary,
My parents and myself were lived happily on a small island in Antarctica.Antarctica is a really cold place with temperatures reaching up to -89C.We survive their throughtout the year as we have a thick layer of body fat and a water-repellant coat that insulates us from the cold air and water.This is how we keep ourself warm.We and other different species like penguins, all live in harmony as one.
Today I had the bitterest experience of my life My friends and myself went hunting in search of food.It was a windy day.We all got seperated into different groups to search for food.After a few minutes the weather worsened and became difficult to walk. Suddenly I heard someone screaming and I went to look as to what happened.After reaching the scene,I was shocked as the iceberg where my friends were hunting, started submerging into the sea.I went to ask for help. But it was too late and my friends submerged into sea. I cried a lot. My friend were very close to me and I felt really bad as I could not rescue them. In antarctica falling of iceberg has become really common. Before we were really safe and secure. But after humans reached our island they created huge buildings and research centres for scientific purposes. Icebergs are not that strong. If buildings are made on it the strength of the iceberg to remain in its place weakens and it easily breaks. Due to these problems most of the polar bears have died. Today the polar bear is considered as one of most vulnerable species and is on the verge of becominig extinct. Global warming, illegal killing of animals etc. are the main(grave) reasons for decrease in our population.
If these factors continue to expand, then that day won't be far when we become extinct. To avoid this humans should avoid damaging our habit and disturbing other creatures too living here. Global warming should also be stopped to  prevent damage.We are an important part of the food web too.If we are not conserved and protected the food chain will be disturbed leading to further problems in the future.These days to prevent our depletion different countries have kept us in protected sanctuary for us to survive peacefully and increase our population.We all are thankful to the environmentalists and conservatives who have great love and concern for us.

Lovetanish the polar bear

Ellie's Diary

11 pm
3 November 2015
Dear Jumbo diary,              
           It has been a long time since I shared my thoughts with you.  You are the only person on this entire planet who understands me and whom I can trust. Humans are being cruel to elephants like me. They have killed many of my friends brutally for their own selfish purposes. Even though they make use of me to create several products, there are only a handful of them who consider us as living beings.
     Today, I had the most awful and bitterest experience of my life. I was on my way back home from the pond along with my friends after having a memorable time. Out of the blue, I saw three figures emerging from the dense canopy of forests. In the blink of an eye, they started aiming at us. Initially I thought that they were making a nuisance out of themselves but soon I realized that they were here to trap us for good.  They started shooting us randomly with their rifles. It was as if the most frightening     nightmare had come true.   Soon I saw my friends lying in a pool of blood. I was stunned and stood rooted to the ground, trembling with fear.
       Instinctively, an idea struck my mind like a gust of wind. I decided to feign dead in order to fool the lousy hunters. Seeing all of us dead, the hunters gave a wicked laugh and decided to go back to their camp site to get some tools. At that right moment, I crept out and sprinted back to my home. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and gave a sigh of relief. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sniffed back my tears.
      I felt a strong urge of enmity towards humans .They destroyed my home, family, friends and in fact everything from me.  Why are these humans too cruel towards us? When they are happy with their kith and kin, why not us? What did we do to them? Isn’t there anyone to stop their inconsiderate acts? Well, I guess enough of my grumblings for today. I hope elephants like me will be saved one day!

Ellie the elephant

Diary of A Mammoth

Dear Diary,
 28th of October 2015 ,Wednesday     

The ‘End’ starts today. My family left their souls free. I am the last one feeling the happiness being a mammoth. My body is weak, I cannot strain myself in this world, but indeed I want to live this peaceful life. Yet I believe that my life will sustain for a few days atleast. The curse from my very soul is that each and every life must suffer as much as I did. Its not only my curse but a curse of the species of mammoths.
I hope this diary reaches someone who have feelings not for us but for the earth. We clearly know hunting down of us, was the main bitter cause for us to leave earth. Especially due to “ICE AGE” period, we were not able to withstand the high temperature and this is our main cause of extinction. But now I lost my home, the earth is so warm for me to live, I am now exhausted, starving, but no one can help me in this state.
Hope someone sees this, reads the words of my heart, feel my feelings, and  make a better future for the next generation.

The Last Mammoth

Auto-Biography Of An Pencil

I have had a lot of pleasant memories in my life. My life started happily with  my friends and family members. I was just a small piece of wood and there were other three similar wood pieces which were considered to my brothers. I had lot of visions and dreams about my future which were perceived by my brothers and my mother earth. Since they knew what is life all about they advised me that anything can happen to the creatures like me at any time. But all my hopes were shattered when a person(woodcutter) entered into the forest where I lived. My brothers have warned me several times regarding this and I still continued to live in the valley of shadows of fear. One unpleasant day, It so happened that the woodcutter found us grown prosperously and he wanted  to use us for different purposes.  At that moment, nothing dawned into my mind else than being made into a boat in which the newly married couple could have a pleasant journey or being made into a small gate which would be the receptionist for the guests who enter into a beautiful house. But I really missed my brothers since they left me. I was cut and packed into boats and I underwent a sea voyage. It was something unusual than I have had before.

I just closed my eyes hoping I would not remember anything…. after a few months of voyage we reached a DARK CONTINENT filled with grazing lands and pastures like the paradise in my home forest. I was tightly packed with other wood pieces and we were taken to a pencil industry and I guessed what my fate would be. I moaned about my future. Have I not done them enough? Was there anything more I could’ve provided them? Yet why don’t they appreciate all this?
The next minute, I found myself being processed in a machine.         I also found many of my friends undergoing the same situation. Consequently, we were transported to a stationary shop where we could find small children tormenting their parents to buy them attractive stuffs. The humans here looked different from how they look in our native land. It was then that I realized that I had landed in Africa. I found a tiny little native girl, quite a bit different from the girls of her age. I wished to be chosen by her since her curiosity sparked me. As she neared me, she chose me and that would be the best moment of my life. She took me to her house which was a small hut. I knew this is the beginning  of my new life as a pencil…….


 Grey skies, dried barren land and sheer water paucity is the world I dwell in, today. I do not know my age- I definitely have more pressing concerns. But I do remember the times when I was a happy little child watching the birds soar with their wings upward into the bluest skies. The sun used to gleam bright orange, but now, it is merely a twinkle of light. I commemorate those days like it was yesterday;
me laying down on the soft green grass, engrossed in the white clouds as they flew above me, contrasting with the light blue skies making my heart swell with ecstasy.
          Back to the present. A lady nearby is holding her dying baby. Why is it dying? You might ask. Well, if the world has no water, beauty, serenity, food or even enough living beings, which human would survive? I believe I am in my last days, myself. Only yesterday, I coughed up blood. Or was it yesterday? I am so wrapped up in dying that I do not even keep count of the days. Is it 2576 or 2579?
           For the past few days or years, depending on the time you are keeping, I have not been able to breathe in clean air. All I ever breathe in is the grey smoke creeping up my nostrils sending into fits of hacking coughs leaving me breathless.
             When I was younger, I remember inhaling the fresh summer breeze as it enveloped my beautiful self and sent me into euphoria. Those were the exultant days.
              I observe a very old red billed queala perched outside on the only surviving tree on earth. I have not seen a red billed queala in ages. I heard that it used to be one of the most abundant species of birds on earth. However, I think I am right to believe that this was the sole surviving red billed queala on earth and that I am privileged to witness its survival just a few days before my own call from heaven.

         Just once I wish to see the beautiful sunrise and the contrasting violet and crimson skies sending me to a world of bliss. Just once I would like to see the blue skies laughing down at me. Just once I would like to take a whiff of the scentful air making me close my eyes and yearn for more. Just once I would like to see the world I called home. The world I called my sanctuary. The world I absolutely adored with all my heart. But alas the world is not a wish granting factory. Alas everything we desire with all our heart is merely a wish. But I hope someday, something marvellous will happen. Something which makes my heart beat again with joy.

Vanishing Home

When you think of polar bears, what first strikes you? Of course, it’s those adorable polar bear cubs, with their soft white fur, tiny paws, little ears and their wide, shining, curious eyes!
But there is much more to polar bears than their cubs. We've all heard of climate change, and how it is melting ice caps and destroying the arctic landscape. But did you know that direct human activities such as intrusion of ice breakers- a type of liner(ship)-  also obstructs their habitats?  How?-Well, it’s because of this: The Arctic North end of Russia is believed to hold as much as a quarter of all the world's oil deposits. In a time when oil, a  precious necessity, one of the basic foundations for life today is running out rapidly, new reserves are attacked ruthlessly, no matter where they are. Unfortunately for us, that means the Arctic North, home of the polar bears.
 Such activities affecting surrounding habitats cause the bears, and other creatures, to alter their routines, their habits, to adapt to the gradual disappearance of their home. Adapting to drastic changes often takes a toll on the ecosystem, endangering the organisms intertwined in it. Polar bears, which are near the top of their food chains, take a massive hit.

It makes me cringe to think of those furry little cubs getting hurt, let alone die, and I’m sure you feel the same way too. We may not be able to stretch our help all the way to the North Pole, but we can try, starting with our very own surroundings. Keeping them clean, safe and healthy will reduce the impact of global warming-solving the major problem affect the bears and their homes.
Vanishing Home
I watch as it slowly wades,
Its silky white fur mingling seamlessly
with the freezing arctic waters.
Eyes trained ahead,
It glides cautiously,
The occasional caw of a tern
 Piercing the silence like arrows.
In a flash, it darts forward
A second of bated breath ensues
And it bursts out of the icy shallows,
A helpless fish, caught between its teeth
Struggling to slip away
The Great White Hunter rises
To its full glory,
The primal fervour in its eyes dimming away
As it wades towards the little one
Stretching its neck for lunch
And its eyes fill with a tender gentleness
As it watches Junior struggle with the slippery catch.
The sun sets on the shores of the ice desert,
the white silence deafening, yet calming
A silence no one would dare disturb.
I shut my eyes to take it in,
Only to be rudely awakened by a blaring horn
It explodes, crashes, shatters through the peace,
And the landscape erupts with little noises,
Noises of scrambling creatures.
The Ice Breaker steams on, cutting through the ice
The ignorant piece of metal it is, propelled by
Humans-monsters rather- blaring the infernal
foghorn louder every passing second.
Noxious fumes bubble out of the liner,
Blotting out the suns parting rays.
Fish ripple frantically in the water,
Terns circle anxiously in the skies, cawing warnings
To one another- their home was threatened!
Penguins slide uneasily on their bellies,
Flashes of black dotting the stark white.
In the distance, a howling whale song
Penetrates icy atmosphere.
The majestic bear strides forward,
Eyeing the ominous beast advancing-
Steely courage resurfacing.
A small, scared moan reminds her of her cub,
And her courage falters, a sort of
Sorrow filling her pitch black eyes.
For everyday, a piece of home is shaved away,
A piece of their future melts away,
Every second threatening to rip her away,
Away from her little bundle of joy.
No, she will not fight today.
She cannot fight today.
She must protect her cub, warn her aurora,
To prepare for the approaching end.

The Elegy Of A Humming-Bird

I look down upon me as I see a world of destruction and absolute disaster. I look back at the times when everything was, well remarkably alright. I gently fly past the huge gust of grey air as I look around me and observe the huge changes that took place in the past decade. I actually still can’t believe that I am alive, though my health is not the same. I no longer can call this place my ‘home’ as I look at the massive destruction that has occurred unfortunately. I sigh and make my way to a tree with barely any leaves. A cigarette butt sits on a branch, on the verge of falling. Burning myself slightly, I gently pushed it aside. I perch on the branch it previously occupied and think to myself, the glorious days that I had back in the day. I was absolutely and truly happy in that great elm tree that I called home. Now all that remains of it is the concrete shopping mall that took its place. The world was so much happier, so much better, and so much cleaner with the lush green meadows and beautiful springs where we birds used to play around. It was our sanctuary. The absolutely pure crystal water droplets resting on top of the gentle green leaves made my heart pound inside with joy and delight. Now there are barely any leaves to hold those gentle water droplets or any water.  We birds feel lucky if we find any water at all. The world is so dry with concrete jungles taking up the entire space.

I sometimes soar in the sky looking for a place to rest, food to eat and water to drink but in vain. Alas! there is a very little amount of water present here for the incorrigible two legged creatures to utilize let alone us birds.
Every day I hear the wail of my friends and loved ones as they undergo barbaric treatment by the one and only HUMANS. Why, only yesterday Little Birdie was pelted by stones by those teenage boys with something they skid on- A skateboard, I think they call it. I watched in despair as she soon passed on to a better place in pain. I couldn’t do anything as I was sick and ailing myself because of the unruly pollution.
My heart swells up and clenches in remorse as I look at what has become of the earth. I feel like a thousand knives are piercing through my heart at the sight below me. Thanks to the humans and their wicked ways, we birds have absolutely nothing. No place to call home, no food to relish and absolutely to water to quench our thirst.
When I wake up every day, instead of the beautiful crimson and orange sky that makes your heart race with happiness, I see sorrow for what has become of the earth. I see fear for what is about to happen to the next generation. But most importantly I see hope for the future. Because I hope that maybe one day there would be a change. A change for the betterment of the world. Maybe someday, something good will happen. Something which makes me feel alive. Something which makes my heart beat again like how it used to.
Oh well, it is all hope. If you are human, and if you are reading this, and if you have contributed to this grey world, I would like to curse my heart out at you. But if you are one of those sweet humans who wish for nothing more than a green and lush world, please come together, and hear our plight out.

The Last Straw – A Leaf

Gently as i sway,
I reminisce a serenade of memories,In the violent wind, away,
I’ve had had on that branch,
That branch which carried me through thick and thin.
Little did I know, that the gentle sound of the approaching boots would mark my last day in history.
Little did I know, that the ascending thwack of the axe would soon smash my heart into smithereens.
Gradually as I descend down onto the ground, the resonance of memories return,
With more striking features and a commanding presence.
Little did I know, that these would be the last moments on my realm of fantasy and reality.
Little did I know, that with one final ‘thwack’ of the axe, my lifeline would come to an end.
Gently as I sway,
In the violent wind, away,
I hear my kind, my own kin, crying out
As I stood there helplessly, waiting for “my turn” to come.
Hanging on the branch, cherishing our final moments together,
For the fear of the unknown had made us numb.
We feared for the very existence of mankind,
Ignorant as they are,
Little do they know, that they are the cause of being endangered.
Little do they know, that by cutting us down, they cut down their life.
Lightly as I sway,
In the violent wind, away,  
I inbreathe every last inch of my life,
Craving for all those moments I’d lost,
Never can I retrieve them,
Nor can I bury them.
I can only relive them, cherish them, and treasure them.
Eventually, the sun is set to rise,
It may be late, but mankind will soon come out of oblivion and learn their horrendous crimes against nature,
Which will have led to their own destruction…

Cute In Search Of Route

Known as a charismatic and unique creature
I am called the giant panda
And I am the national symbol of China
I look like I’m out of a black and white movie
Dark circles around my eyes 
Make me look like I haven’t slept for centuries.
We communicate with each other fairly often,
Mostly by vocalization and scent marking
We mark our routes by spraying urine,
Clawing tree trunks,
And rubbing against object.
Dwelling in the forests of southern and eastern China,
Some pockets of Vietnam and Myanmar.
But my habitat is now dwindling.
99 percent of my diet is bamboo
And the remaining percent is meat
This reliance on bamboo
Has made me and my friends 
vulnerable to extinction
The expanding human population
Has led to the decrease in ours
Their cruel deeds and our habitat loss
Has marginalized us
And now we seek shrinking refuge
Now I am termed as an endangered species
Affected by habitat loss and fragmentation,
Low birthrate both in the wild and in captivity
We are suffering
It is the duty of you humans
To save our world
We can help you in many ways,
By spreading seeds and expanding vegetation
In China’s bamboo forests
We are the basis of survival for local communities
And we are also culturally and economically valuable
But this can only happen if you help us
So let’s make a mutual agreement
You conserve us
And well make this world a better place.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lamenting Flora And Fauna

It is the year 4032 and the human population is larger than it has ever been. The minds of humans have become twisted and their ego has no barrier. Barren lands flooded with garbage, hardly any clean air or water and the only feeling you feel is suffocation. It is time. It is time for them to give the humans what they deserve. Who are they you ask? From the largest to the smallest creatures present on Earth.    

Humans are now responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and plant species. They take up more space on Earth for their homes and cities. They pollute habitats. They illegally hunt and kill animals. They bring exotic species into habitats. All of these activities take resources and habitats away from plants and animals.

Human activity often changes or destroys the habitats that plants and animals need to survive. Because human populations are growing so fast that animals and plants are disappearing 1000 times faster than they have in the past 65 million years.
Animals and plants have always had a hard time surviving. Scientists estimate that over two thirds of the animals and plants that once lived on Earth are now extinct.

Animals became extinct in the past for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases competition for resources among animals led to extinction in other cases environmental changes caused extinction.