Sunday, 1 November 2015

Ellie's Diary

11 pm
3 November 2015
Dear Jumbo diary,              
           It has been a long time since I shared my thoughts with you.  You are the only person on this entire planet who understands me and whom I can trust. Humans are being cruel to elephants like me. They have killed many of my friends brutally for their own selfish purposes. Even though they make use of me to create several products, there are only a handful of them who consider us as living beings.
     Today, I had the most awful and bitterest experience of my life. I was on my way back home from the pond along with my friends after having a memorable time. Out of the blue, I saw three figures emerging from the dense canopy of forests. In the blink of an eye, they started aiming at us. Initially I thought that they were making a nuisance out of themselves but soon I realized that they were here to trap us for good.  They started shooting us randomly with their rifles. It was as if the most frightening     nightmare had come true.   Soon I saw my friends lying in a pool of blood. I was stunned and stood rooted to the ground, trembling with fear.
       Instinctively, an idea struck my mind like a gust of wind. I decided to feign dead in order to fool the lousy hunters. Seeing all of us dead, the hunters gave a wicked laugh and decided to go back to their camp site to get some tools. At that right moment, I crept out and sprinted back to my home. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and gave a sigh of relief. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sniffed back my tears.
      I felt a strong urge of enmity towards humans .They destroyed my home, family, friends and in fact everything from me.  Why are these humans too cruel towards us? When they are happy with their kith and kin, why not us? What did we do to them? Isn’t there anyone to stop their inconsiderate acts? Well, I guess enough of my grumblings for today. I hope elephants like me will be saved one day!

Ellie the elephant

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