Sunday, 8 November 2015

awareness for wellness

Raj Gardens,

2 November 2015

The Editor,
The Hindu,


Dear sir/madam,
   Contaminating the environment has become an increasing   trend in our society despite of consciousness. Our ecosystem is experiencing   vast vanish of species. This is becoming a big controversy that   humans are the creatures who are becoming the threat to our planet. Even as we experience the increase in  populace, the pressure on environment gets increased. Natural resources including water, food, air are getting contaminated recklessly.This can lead to the following puzzles

  • loss of wildlife habitat which brings extinction of species.
  • loss of forests which further increases the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and further warming the planet.
  • extreme exploitation of natural resources, prevents the natural resources from replenishing.
  • increased emission of carbon dioxide, mainly by fossil fuel contributes to the climate change
  • increased production of synthetic materials as a substitute for the natural ones leads to decomposition.

  As an inhabitant of cosmos it is our duty to protect it. Here are simple 7 ways to protect our sphere and our surroundings

1.     Make sure to use your clothes washer and dryer when you have a full load.
2.   Water your lawn during the evening, when it is cooler and dryer. Watering in the morning, when it is hot and dry, leads to water evaporation.
3.   Pick up some earth-bags at your local grocery store. Say no to both, “paper” and “plastic!”
4.  Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Sure, they may cost more money, but you will save on your energy bill in the future and they last longer.
5.   Shorten your shower by just a minute .
6.  Skip the dishwasher built-in dry option and simply air dry your dishes.
7.   Collect rainwater and save it to water your lawn.

Thus, I would like to conclude that the environment and the economy are really both two sides of the same coin. If we  cannot sustain the environment, we cannot sustain ourselves.
                               Thank you
Shartin ,

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