Sunday, 8 November 2015


No.23,New Street
Anna Nagar

31st October 2015

The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Conservation- A matter of concern

Dear sir,

Well I have a question pondering at the back of my mind when I think about using the resources around us...Continous usage of the resources without any limit would it lead to extinction or destruction of resources? Yes, it would and it is definitely going to happen. I think in this urban society
people are least bothered about the 4Rs-Reuse,Reduce,Recycle and Refuse. In spite of many movements coming up, they seem to have immediate effect but doesn't exert pressure over the society over a long run. Resources are taken for granted but its time for us to change our perspective and perceive in a way that resources are the gifts by our ancestors and the gift that we have to give our future generations...We should futher develop a state in which Resources shall be used judiously and not hinder the ability of development in the future.

For the problems discussed above, 'Conservation' is the secret.Conservation is the act of preserving,safeguarding resources in the world.We may also come upon issues that petrol in the middle east countries are rapidly decreasing and '' water'' will be the main reason for world war 3 and deforestation being debated as a matter of concern.

Definitely the government will play a major role in conservation.Resource planning,Agenda 21 ,as discussed in a conference in Rio De Janeiro , are some schemes that would help in the conservation of  resources.Government is one of the largest institutions in a nation. But non-governmental organisation (NGOs) can also play a role in conservation.These governmental and non-governmental organisations will have to further come up with stratergies to motivate people to conserve the absolute gift by the god.

Although it is late, it is better to conserve than never and take an action to preserve. All human beings will have to join together and work towards a common goal.I would like you to address this issue in the newspaper and would like to thank you for your support.

Thank you


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