Sunday, 1 November 2015

The Elegy Of A Humming-Bird

I look down upon me as I see a world of destruction and absolute disaster. I look back at the times when everything was, well remarkably alright. I gently fly past the huge gust of grey air as I look around me and observe the huge changes that took place in the past decade. I actually still can’t believe that I am alive, though my health is not the same. I no longer can call this place my ‘home’ as I look at the massive destruction that has occurred unfortunately. I sigh and make my way to a tree with barely any leaves. A cigarette butt sits on a branch, on the verge of falling. Burning myself slightly, I gently pushed it aside. I perch on the branch it previously occupied and think to myself, the glorious days that I had back in the day. I was absolutely and truly happy in that great elm tree that I called home. Now all that remains of it is the concrete shopping mall that took its place. The world was so much happier, so much better, and so much cleaner with the lush green meadows and beautiful springs where we birds used to play around. It was our sanctuary. The absolutely pure crystal water droplets resting on top of the gentle green leaves made my heart pound inside with joy and delight. Now there are barely any leaves to hold those gentle water droplets or any water.  We birds feel lucky if we find any water at all. The world is so dry with concrete jungles taking up the entire space.

I sometimes soar in the sky looking for a place to rest, food to eat and water to drink but in vain. Alas! there is a very little amount of water present here for the incorrigible two legged creatures to utilize let alone us birds.
Every day I hear the wail of my friends and loved ones as they undergo barbaric treatment by the one and only HUMANS. Why, only yesterday Little Birdie was pelted by stones by those teenage boys with something they skid on- A skateboard, I think they call it. I watched in despair as she soon passed on to a better place in pain. I couldn’t do anything as I was sick and ailing myself because of the unruly pollution.
My heart swells up and clenches in remorse as I look at what has become of the earth. I feel like a thousand knives are piercing through my heart at the sight below me. Thanks to the humans and their wicked ways, we birds have absolutely nothing. No place to call home, no food to relish and absolutely to water to quench our thirst.
When I wake up every day, instead of the beautiful crimson and orange sky that makes your heart race with happiness, I see sorrow for what has become of the earth. I see fear for what is about to happen to the next generation. But most importantly I see hope for the future. Because I hope that maybe one day there would be a change. A change for the betterment of the world. Maybe someday, something good will happen. Something which makes me feel alive. Something which makes my heart beat again like how it used to.
Oh well, it is all hope. If you are human, and if you are reading this, and if you have contributed to this grey world, I would like to curse my heart out at you. But if you are one of those sweet humans who wish for nothing more than a green and lush world, please come together, and hear our plight out.

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